We are a lay organization promoting integral human development and community life. We foster a culture of peace and solidarity, striving to counteract the economic and social evils bred by individualism.
We give preference to the ‘little ones’ in difficult circumstances, the marginalized and the oppressed. Through our human development programmes, Koinonia embraces people of all backgrounds, finding in their diversity unique aspects of common humanity.
We serve African children and youth in Kenya, Zambia and the Nuba Mountains area in Sudan.
Our first program in Zambia was established in the year 1980, while in Kenya, we began in 1990. In 1995, Koinonia in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan was established.
Support a cause : Keep A Vulnerable Child in School
Our Guiding Values
Koinonia Community has identified the following core values, which it undertakes to integrate in all its work. These values are:
- We give a chance to the marginalized and vulnerable little ones in the community for the promotion of human dignity
- We aspire toย offer everyone equal chances in life while respecting our diversity for inclusiveness
- We belong to each other and seek to empower the people we live and work with for sustainable development
- Our professional service is towards integrity, social justice and peace
- We live by the African and Christian spirituality
- We live in communion as one family with brotherhood/Sisterhood among members and those we work with in Openness and accountability
- We care and share as we serve to establish the kingdom of God.
We understand that the best place to help a child is within the family setup. Koinonia Community makes concerted efforts to make this happen. We however recognize that there are extreme cases that make this approach more challenging to implement .
Our efforts are directed in the following order:
Prevention, Rescue, Rehabilitation, Re-Integration, Re-Socialization
Which Way Forward?
Koinonia Community is determined to ensure that all the established initiatives become self-sustaining. This involves strengthening of our training activities and social entrepreneurial capacities, with the support and expertise of our network of friends.