In 2023, a young boy believed to be around seven years old was found and booked as a lost child at the Riruta Police Station. This boy, named Emmanuel but fondly known as “Manu”, was subsequently referred to the Dagoretti Children Office, where in collaboration with Koinonia Community we arranged for his care and protection at the Ndungu Mdogo Rescue Centre.
Manu’s early days at the Rescue Center were marked by uncertainty and confusion, as efforts to locate his family were initiated. Months passed, and Manu underwent a period of rehabilitation. His gentle nature and resilience shone through, making a lasting impression on everyone who met him. In 2024, Manu was transferred to the Kivuli Center for continued care and protection, as the search for his family intensified. We all felt a sense of hope when it was confirmed that Manu’s father is residing somewhere in Nairobi. The efforts to reunite them are still ongoing, with everyone at Kivuli Center rooting for a joyful reunion.
Since his arrival at the Kivuli Center, Manu has demonstrated remarkable growth in character, health and general development. He is currently enrolled as a PP2 pupil, where he is thriving academically and socially. However, it is Manu’s artistic talent that has truly captured the hearts of those around him. Manu has displayed a natural knack for fine art. He spends most of his time after school and during school holidays engrossed in drawing and painting, creating a colorful and imaginative world on paper.
Recognizing Manu’s potential, the Kivuli Center Staff reached out to Mudibo Arts, a local artist who runs an art gallery within the Kivuli Centre and is also known for mentoring young artists, Mudibo and his team warmly welcomed Manu, and ever since they have been working to help Manu develop his talent and express himself through his art.
The journey of young Manu, is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of nurturing a child’s talents. The Kivuli Center staff are committed to supporting Manu in every possible way, ensuring that he has the opportunity to grow and thrive as an artist. His story serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the incredible potential within each child and the difference that love, care and encouragement can make.