This week marked the beginning of a new step in lives of children at the rescue centers. They were enrolled at different levels in various schools. This is after successful training and assessments.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and children at Mother House and Ndugu Mdogo have journeyed the entire mileage of their rehabilitation process. The children were first admitted at the rescue centers early 2016, one year they have been rehabilitated fully and a majority have been reintegrated back to their family. With that they are now ready for the next step in life which is going to school.

Mother House center has been home to 22 girls and 14 boys while 35 boys have been residing at Ndugu Mdogo for the past one year. During that period the key aim has been centered on rehabilitating the children to reintroduce them to a new life different from that of the streets.

49 children have been reintegrated successfully back their homes and provided with basic tools for their education. On the other hand 17 children, 5 girls and 12 boys have been placed at the various centers where they will be housed as they undertake their education.  An additional 5 children have joined secondary schools and another 5 are set to undertake various courses at vocational institutions.

As the children embark on school life social workers at the two centers will be embarking on a new task of rescuing more vulnerable children from the streets and slums. Koinonia Community strikes to ensure that vulnerable children are rescued, rehabilitated and reintegrated (3R’s) back to their families as family is the best place for a child to grow up in