Since 1995 Koinonia Kenya has worked with children and youth from difficult backgrounds, following a “3R’s” approach: Rescue, Rehabilitate and Reintegrate.

Children found in the streets of Nairobi have suffered from different forms of neglect, abuse and lack of basic needs. In order to survive in the harsh life of the streets, the children have had to adapt to certain behaviours and ways of life that in most cases will be viewed as non-conforming to the social norms. Rescuing these children form the streets requires the first of all the collaboration of the children themselves, and then from their families and the community at large. The entire process, until the children arrive in our rescue centres, takes weeks of work in the streets, careful approach and personal attention and care.

Once in our centres, basic needs, education, loving care, guidance and counseling are provided to these children. There’s no greater joy than seeing these children become mature and responsible members of the society.

Watch the video below to see how we work.