Theme: Enhancing the relationship of Koinonia Community with its stakeholders.
When: Friday 29th June 2018, 8:30am to 12:00pm
Where: Shalom House, St. Daniel Comboni Rd., off Ngong Road, Nairobi
Koinonia is a lay organization promoting integral human development and community life. Koinonia fosters a culture of peace and solidarity, striving to counteract the economic and social evils bred by individualism. In order to fully achieve our agenda and to give partner institutions a chance to interact we have decided to come up with a networking breakfast meeting.
In the spirit of our mantra ‘we belong to each other’, Koinonia Community strongly believes that sharing is key to success. The networking forum will mark the beginning of a series of formal interactive engagements with our stakeholders and other partners with an aim of strengthening the bond between Koinonia Community and its partners as well as establishing new partnerships. It is not only Koinonia Community will benefit but the stakeholders themselves will be able to form bonds and partnerships amongst themselves that will be useful in achieving their mandates.
The networking forum will also mark the beginning of a robust visibility campaign for promoting Koinonia community activities and provide a platform for partners to showcase their products with a possibility of investing. The Forum will provide an open session of interaction amongst the participants to share their experiences in different fields of operations.
Networking is important for a variety of reasons both at the individual and organizational level, since it is a strategy of empowerment.There is a strong need to come together in order to share and exchange information with other people, groups and institutions to develop mutual relationships that are of benefit to all parties involved and the community at large. A strong networking strategy with relevant partners can greatly contribute to the success of an institution.
Description of activities
We intend to engage partners from the; Agro industry; Energy sector; Construction Industry; ICT Industry; SMEs; Finance and Banking; Medical and Equipment Suppliers and donor organizations. During this forum, there will be an open forum for introduction,
and each of the partners present will be given a chance to brief the gathering of their activities. The networking forum will be an avenue for numerous stakeholders to interact and form meaningful partnerships. During the forum the participants will be taken through what Koinonia Community does. Koinonia Community will be able to explain more to the audience on its activities, milestones, challenges and strengths. The interactive forums will give way to explore how to handle the challenges Koinonia Community, how to build on the achievements made so far and most of all how to explore other avenues to help expand Koinonia Community activities
Main objective
∙ To strengthen the relationship of Koinonia Community with relevant stakeholders and partners
Specific Objectives
∙ To broaden Koinonia’s scope for resource mobilization.
∙ To provide partners and stakeholder with an avenue for interaction and networking
Expected outcome
After this forum, we expect to achieve the following results
∙ We intend to strengthen the link between Koinonia Community and its partners
∙ Create investment opportunities
∙ Create awareness, Ownership & Collaboration Among Institutional Actors
∙ Create new networks
∙ To strengthen stakeholders Network to support the emergency and scaling up of initiatives and practices
Kindly get in touch with Mr. Harrison Kyalo on +254 722 369 920 or via email: