It has been 40 years since the youth of South Africa marched in all parts of the country on a lonely journey for a better education, a transformed South Africa and Africa at large. On this day, we salute them, the children of 1976, who gave their lives so that we and future generations of Africans and South Africa could free ourselves from the yoke of apartheid, establish a new democratic order of honoring the child rights and live together in peace and harmony.

This year’s celebrations were held under the theme “Conflict and Crisis in Africa: Protecting all children’s rights”.

Koinonia Community couldn’t find a better way to celebrate this day than holding an event that will remain written in the history of this community. Children are faced with numerous challanges including poverty, hunger, homelessness and hostility. As Koinonia Commmunity, we strive at empowering the lives of communities, and work to touch more lives in a positive way. Koinonia community in conjunction with AMANI today officially opened Koinonia Mother House Rescue Centre in a colorful event attended by various stakeholders including a representative of the Italian Ambassador, representative of the Italian Cooperation; local administrators including OCS, chief and the a representative of the Dagoretti Children’s Officer. Koinonia commmunity members and staff; the local community; both current and former beneficiaries of koinonia also graced this occassion.

Mother House Children Centre being officially opened today is largely funded by the Italian International Corporation (MAECI) in partnership with Amani Onlus and Koinonia Community. It is meant to serve children rescued from the streets of Nairobi and its environs, especially Riruta and Kibera, by providing them with a place to call home, education, rehabilitation and relevant care.

Children from Kivuli Centre, Anita Home, Paolo’s Home and Kibera drop-in were present to welcome their little brothers and sisters. This did not go unnoticed by the rescued children as they thanked all the stakeholders for the time their and efforts put forward towards making their lives better.

Kononia Community’s unmistakable slogan “we belong to each other” was echoed so they all felt welcome. The event ended in in food and drinks for everyone